Our GSPS Otter Unit flag
Our Structure
A Cub Scout Group (also known as a Cub Pack) gathers weekly or fortnightly and is divided into groups called Sixes and led by a Sixer.
A Sixer is a Cub of good standing who carries out tasks that have been set by their Akela (Cub Scout Leader). Cubs learn to manage themselves and take care of their peers. Activities are typically carried out in Sixes. This encourages Cubs to take ownership of themselves and grow through peer-led learning.
Pack meetings are opportunities for adventures, learning life skills, hikes, outdoor cooking, camps, games, shelter-building, knotting, craftwork, and other Scouting skills – all while making new friends.
Games are part of every pack meeting (CCA session) & are typically carried out in Sixes. This provide opportunities for every Cub to contribute & grow together with their Six.
Cubs are not sit-down creatures; they are active go-getters! They are at an age where they are adventurous & excitable. They easily pick up new skills & push their own boundaries. Cub Scout activities build onto these, & one will find that Cubs are naturally inspired, curious & raring to go!
Community & Environmental Involvement
Cubs learn about the environment & regularly participate in meaningful projects to improve their surroundings. They are helpers in their homes & communities. The Scout Law & Promise guides them to do their best to be of service to others.
Teachers-in-charge |
Email address |
Mr Mohd Azhari B Dzulkifli | |
Mdm Norizah Bte Maakiap | |
Mr Gavin Bi | |
Mdm Chang Yating | |
Mdm Loy Sim Lan (Mrs Yap) | |
Mr Horis B Hosri | |
Tent Pitching
Explorer Camp
The Explorer Camp is organised to provide avenue for the cub scouts to complete their badgeworks while enjoying outdoor learning. The camp aims to inculcate values and provide skills for life to cub scouts.
Scout Uniform